10th Edition, 22-26 May 2002

Organizers: Céline Boehm, Patrick Janot
President: Mike Koratzinos

--- The friendly web page of Meg and Alain ---


Tulip Blues
Sing along the famous tune of the 10th edition.  Tulip Blues

Meg's Photos

We took a camera and had every intention to get memorable imprints of everything.
Alas, the competition was sooooo fierce that many nice shots remained pious wishful thinking.
(Hell is paved with good intentions, .... and vice versa)
Nevertheless you can find the reportage here:
word version (better),
html version  (not so great, better load it with internet explorer)

Gigi's Photos
you can also look at GIGI's Photos

The Hand of God
or learn about the Hand of God
